The Cleveland Daily Herald

Cleveland, April 21, 1859

The Rescue Cases – Trial of Langston.


      Mr. Woods was on his direct examination. – By the testimony of this witness it appeared that the troops for which Dep. Marshal Lowe at Wellington had telegraphed for to Cleveland, were the Cleveland Grays. We discovered little in the testimony new, except that he told the counsel for the defence that he, witness, has a that horse. This witness had a good deal to say about WackÕs having a ten dollar bill that he took of Jennings, and defence prepared to show by the witness that Wack was running around Oberlin on the day of the Wellington affair showing this bill and asking as to its character, for the purpose of listening to the conversation and remarks of the people gathered I the streets. This witness had a peculiar way of repeating almost every question put to him by defence before he ventures a reply. The defence evidently thinks Woods was eavesdropper for the Kentuckians. This witness heard a great deal and is a fast talker, but when pinned down as to place, and time, and individuals, he cannot always specify. He evidently is of that style of men who know a great deal in general, but very little in particular.

      In answer to a question by the defence the witness said he did not know whether he offered to make a bet in WatsonÕs grocery that John would be taken back by his captors or not – he may have done so, but donÕt recollect.